Mr. Chad Coppieters

I was born and raised in Raymond, Alberta. After high school, I worked for Westwind School Division in the maintenance department taking care of the school buildings. A few years later I began my post-secondary studies at the University of Lethbridge. I graduated in 2010 with a combined degree Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education. I subbed for a few semesters, but spent most of my time teaching on three Hutterite colonies all in the Westwind School Division. In the fall of 2017, I pursued my desire to continue to improve my teaching practices and achieved my Masters in Education a few semesters later, where my focus was on adolescent literacy and learning. I accepted the position of Vice Principal of Colony Schools starting in the fall of 2022.
Outside of the classroom, I have been a volunteer firefighter for the Town of Raymond fire department for the past 23 years and currently I hold the position of Assistant Fire Chief. I enjoy learning and helping others in my community when they are in a difficult place. This training and background had also helped me as I assumed the role of Director of Emergency Management for the Town of Raymond. In this capacity, I work with town administration and the province to ensure that we are prepared in our community should an emergency situation occur.
In my free time, I enjoy camping, gardening, other outdoor projects, and repairing cars. I live in Raymond with my wife and three children.
B.Sc - General Science - U of L
Minor -CTS
B.Ed- with Distinction - U of L
Specialization- Technology
M.Ed - Adolescent Literacy and Learning